Mastodon Mastodon

I adopted some new quests during my big trip

In a recent development that will shock absolutely no one, I adopted a few more travel quests during our 100-Day Adventure. Here are five new goals:

Smallest Country on Each Continent (3/6)

It’s too bad that we had to cut out Maldives from our trip, as that would have been a nice objective to complete.

  • Completed: Africa/Seychelles, Europe/Vatican City, North America/St Kitts & Nevis
  • Remaining: Asia/Maldives, Oceania/Nauru, South America/Suriname

Touch every ocean (6/7)

For the purposes of this quest, I’m breaking both the Pacific and Atlantic into North and South components due to their size. So instead of five oceans, I’m counting seven.

  • Completed: North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian, Arctic
  • Remaining: Southern

24 Time Zones (23/24)

If each time zone was exactly one hour apart, then we’d have 24 total time zones. But due to a number of 30-minute and 45-minute offsets, plus the shenanigans of the International Date Line, there are actually a total of 38. My quest, however, only focuses on reaching a total of 24 of them.

  • Completed: -11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5:30, +7, +8, +9, +9:30, +10, +12, +13

Australian States & Territories (5/8)

This joins the US and Canada as my third quest to visit all states and territories of a country.

  • Completed: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Australian Capital Territory
  • Remaining: Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory

Circumnavigate Australia

Eventually, at least…and in sections, not during a single trip. This one is a bit more difficult to gauge progress, as I have no requirement for the specific sections to be traversed or in what number; I just want to drive around the general perimeter of the country, plus across the interior in at least one direction. I imagine this could take up to 6 dedicated trips, so it’s something I expect to primarily tackle in retirement.

  • Completed: Sydney to Mount Gambier

Other quests that I haven’t posted about yet

I’m waaaay behind on updating my personal travel quests on my website. Waaaay behind. That’s largely because we’ve aggregated a lot of quest objectives onto a single map in our travel dashboard, so my website hasn’t been where we primarily keep track of progress lately. I need to change that.

So here are some other quests I’ve adopted these last few years but that haven’t yet made it on my site yet:

US Counties (1978/3144)

Yes, somehow we’ve adopted a mega quest to visit each of the 3144 counties (and county-equivalents) in the United States. Here’s my current progress map.

45th Parallel (12/12)

I completed this quest two years ago, which involved crossing the 45th Parallel in the each of the 12 states in which it passes.

Drink a Guinness at an Irish Pub in 32 Countries (18/32)

A nod to the idea that there’s an Irish Pub everywhere, it involves exactly what it says—though we also include territories per the Travelers Century Club list. Why 32? Well, because that’s the number of counties in Ireland, of course.

Capitals of the United States and Colonies (14/15)

This involves visiting the site that served, however briefly, as the Capitol of the United States. That is, where Congress met, including during the Revolutionary War. I may have finished this one already, but a question arose and I’m not clear that I visited the right building; more research is required.

Alaska Highways (8/12)

This involves driving on at least a portion of each of the official 12 highways in Alaska.

State-Province Borders (12/17)

A similar idea to my State Border Crossings quest (which I completed last year), this one involves crossing each combination of US State and Canadian Province border.

Want to adopt your own quest?

Here’s a guide I wrote to help you get started.