Mastodon Mastodon
Canyons of the Ancients National Monument

Other cool places I visited in 2010

In addition to the cool national parks I visited in 2010, I also managed to make it to a few other notable places. Many of the places were part of work trips or extra days I added on to work trips—it’s nice having a job that gets you to such awesome locales. Here’s a short … Read more


Our Mojave National Preserve roadtrip

It was February 2009 when Kim and I brought friends Victoria and Terry on a short roadtrip to California. Our primary destination was Mojave National Preserve, a national park unit tucked away between I-15 and I-40 near the borders of California, Nevada, and Arizona. It was a first visit for Kim and I, who had … Read more

Urgent Call to Action: Vote in D.C. today to defund our National Conservation Lands

Dear Friends, I am contacting you today with an urgent request. Please take the next five minutes to contact your Congressperson today to urge her/him to vote against Continuing Resolution Amendments No. 92, 203 and 515. Each of these amendments would compromise our National Conservation Lands (formally known as the National Landscape Conservation System) by … Read more

horseshoe bend

National Parks I visited in 2010

2010 was an uncommon year for me in my national park quest. For years and years, Kim and I would have gone on several trips each year, all with the sole purpose of marking dozens of parks off of our list. This year, things had changed. Even so, I was able to make it to … Read more

My 33 before 33 list

On the heels of completing my 101 things in 1001 days challenge, I’ve decided to launch a new goal list for the upcoming year. Given the amount of change I’ll likely see in 2011, I decided to focus on a shorter time period and instead launch a 33 before 33 list. Like my 101 in … Read more

Some Arizona Wildcat jokes for the ASU-U of A rivalry game

Every rivalry needs some jokes. The annual Duel in the Desert is no different. Below are a few I’ve collected over the years. You may also be interested in some great plays of the Duel in the Desert, or reading up on 5 embarrassing facts about U of A, or checking out an album of UA memes. Q. … Read more

101 things

A recap of my 101 Things in 1001 Days project

The 101 list was an experiment to see if I would accomplish more than I would with New Year’s resolutions. I did. I figured that the longer time period and longer list of potential projects would allow me more flexibility in achieving the goals I had set forth. It also did.

National Conservation Lands video on Assignment: Earth

Here’s a great little video describing America’s National Conservation Lands, the system of special places I work to protect. To support the great people working hard to protect America’s natural and cultural heritage, please check out the Conservation Lands Foundation.

Wallet and keychain

Carrying less: simplifying and decluttering my pockets

I’ve always been one of those people. You know, the kind of person that always brought a bunch of stuff wherever I went. I’d have a large keychain of keys, a thick wallet bursting at the seams, a cell phone, an ipod, my wristwatch, and some model of PDA. My pockets were absolutely stuffed. Sure, … Read more

Happiness: focus on the process, not the outcome

Professor Srikumar S. Rao discusses why you already have what you need to be happy. You just have to ditch the “if..then” mental construct of happiness and focus your attention on the process itself. I think he’s on to something, though his explanation of how to re-configure this mental challenge is a bit inadequate. You … Read more