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Some links for COVID-19

Getting tested regularly

Here’s a link to ASU’s free rapid saliva testing program for people living in Arizona.
– (you can register for program here by using agency code SALIVATEST).

Here’s a link to the other COVID testing sites throughout Arizona.

Protecting yourself

Here’s an easy set of guidelines to protect yourself from aerosol transmission

microCOVID is a free risk calculator based on a number of situational criteria you can set to determine the level of risk of certain scenarios.

The COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool is a peer-reviewed tool for assessing your risk of encountering an infected individual in your county based on event size.

This a great tool for calculating COVID indoor transmission risk with airborne aerosols. It’s in English on a German website, but you’ll have to click “einverstanden” to allow cookies before the page in English loads.