Mastodon Mastodon

June 20, 2024

I’m working on three big projects right now.

The first is finalizing my dad’s stuff. He passed away last month and there’s still a lot to do, from planning and hosting the memorials, taking care of financial and legal obligations, and dealing with the remainder of his stuff. And, grieving, of course—that’s obviously been ongoing.

The second project is planning some travel. We’ve been restricted in our travel since my dad’s health crisis in 2020. We are no longer limited by that. So that means being able to plan out more weekends away, as well as some longer trips. We could really use the time away to refresh after this big life change.

The last project is getting back to posting regularly on my own personal websites—especially this one right here. In addition to posting more (I’m participating in #100DaystoOffload), I’m also in the midst of redesigning and updating the site design. I’ve been including lots of updates at, too.

Coming up

I lost motivation to keep up the prompts for One Photo Club when my dad passed. I’m not sure why. But given the small percentage of members who transitioned to the fediverse version from the one we had going on Mighty Networks, maybe it’s time to call the project done? At least in its current form. Or perhaps I’ll shift things to a broader photo prompt that’s not limited to travel or outdoor adventures, but I haven’t decided yet.


We’ve been watching Killing Eve on Netflix, and are finally nearing the series end. I finished reading Cal Newport’s Slow Productivity during our April road trip, and while I’ve started a few new books since, nothing has really captured my interest.