Mastodon Mastodon

Why we don’t attend ASU games in Tucson

Leading up to this year’s Duel in the Desert, several friends asked Kim or I why we no longer attend the game when it’s held down in Tucson. I’ve been to several of those rivalry games, but we’ve skipped it the last 6 or 8 years. Simple: it’s dangerous, and no longer fun. I’ve been … Read more

park stamp passports

Our park stamps

As many of you know, Kim and I are on a quest to visit all of the 391 units of the National Park Service. Well, we’ve established several routines when it comes to marking off each of these units, including taking a picture of us there, snapping a shot of our Forester in front of … Read more


A great day for America, a great day for the world. Congrats Obama, it’s time for you to lead the way for change. Yes we can!

Canyons of the Ancients National Monument

Canyons of the Ancients National Monument

I finally got around to posting some pictures from the quick Sand Canyon hike I took in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument with co-workers in late September. It was a nice little trail that often followed an interesting little bluff strewn with little reconstructed ruins. Since I love wandering around curiously-shaped rock formations and … Read more

Where we went this summer

It’s been a couple of months since we returned from our post-wedding roadtrip through the South. It was an interesting trip, one that didn’t much resemble our usual national park trips: we stayed in a hotel every night, we spent most of our time at historical sites (as opposed to natural sites), and, well, we … Read more

Our post-wedding trip thus far

If you haven’t figured it out yet, we aren’t taking the trip we had intended. Originally, the plan was to head up from Yosemite through the Cascades and into the Canadian Rockies, a hiking and camping trip anchored by visits to Lassen, North Cascades, Banff, and Jasper national parks. Unfortunately, Kim came down with strep … Read more

RIP George Carlin

You brought much-needed social commentary into our lives and managed to make it funny, too.