Mastodon Mastodon

Pages you should have on your personal website

Personal websites are the best way to have a home on the internet. While every site is—and should be—a personal expression of its owner, it can also be useful to adopt some standard pages that visitors often benefit from. Each of these pages is best found at the root directory, which is why I list them as … Read more

The story of my epic quest to visit all 419 National Park units

This is a twitter thread I posted back in April 2022 outlining the story of my national parks quest. I haven’t changed much of the formatting, so this will resemble a twitter thread and not a traditional blog post. Perhaps I’ll edit it in the future, but for now, this will have to do. Here’s … Read more


This is my personal take on a /uses page. It also functions as my Default apps for 2024 post. Since online reviews are so gamed and broken these days, I wanted to post my stuff so you can ask questions of an actual user of these items. I also post product reviews on my Public … Read more

March 28, 2024

Bespoke social media Last year, I launched One Photo Club, a free social community for people who love travel (come join us!). The site centers around sharing photos from your previous trips to various prompts, so it serves as a remembering practice for participants as part of a concept I call Return On Adventure (think ROI but for your adventures). … Read more

How to make driving across Texas more fun

Our latest road trip required a long drive across Texas, a state I repeatedly wish I didn’t have to drive across. But if you live in Phoenix and your intended destinations are in the Southeastern US, then driving through Texas is simply the Price of Admission you pay for your trip. We ended up staying in hotels … Read more

Friends for the sake of memories

I’m in the process of substantially shifting how I use social media. I want to focus on using social media solely to connect with actual people—not to consume so-called breaking news or procrastinate over memes or fight social battles or dunk on the political villain of the moment. It’s become clear that none of those things … Read more

A ‘Digital Garden’ Approach to Travel Journaling

tl;dr: I’ve started keeping track of my travels in an interconnected system of notes. This helps me remember more, and to better connect the dots. Here’s a bit more on what that looks like and why I’m trying this. Update: I’ve added a bit to this idea. You can read my additions and why I’ve … Read more

I paid $100 for the privilege of travel today

Today we paid $100 for the privilege of taking our two big road trips this year. What does that mean? We are privileged to be able to travel as often as we do. That doesn’t mean we don’t work hard to capitalize on our own personal situations, or sacrifice in other ways to create these … Read more