Mastodon Mastodon

September 10, 2024

It’s been awhile since I updated this /now page, in large part because I’m not sure that my original vision for this—something updated perhaps every 2-3 weeks—is the right way to go.

I’m considering shifting this to more seasonal or quarterly approach, possibly offloading those more frequent distillations as mid- and end-month notes1, which will include much more specific things like what I’ve been watching, any outdoor adventures I’ve been doing, and so forth.

What I’m doing

Our big focus right now is preparing for our 100 day trip around the world. We’re wrapping up the last reservations, and frantically trying to figure out what we need to bring. It’s going to be an incredible experience, I’m sure of it, and also waaaay outside our comfort zone.

I’m still a little shocked that we’re able to pull it off. We came up with the plan, started saving, and strategizing on how to get the time off work way back in 2020, and well…here we are.

We’ll be sharing photos and posts about the trip on our website AdventuresAroundThe.World when we can.

After three months of dealing with financial and legal stuff after my dad’s death, as well as helping my mom with a bunch of stuff, I’ve continued to put some of the dad remembrance stuff on hold, for now. I’m just not ready yet. And the trip is both a pressing and a useful distraction right now.

  1. I’ve been experimenting with these on another blog platform, after enjoying the “weekly notes” that some of my friends post. ↩︎