Mastodon Mastodon

Martin Luther King Jr National Historic Site

After our wedding, Kim and I took a roadtrip across the South to visit a bunch of national parks as part of our quest. I commented last month that one of the benefits of our quest was that it brought us to see some really cool places that we otherwise wouldn’t have. One of those … Read more

We need an America the Beautiful pass for kids

For the ninth or tenth straight year, Kim and I bought an America the Beautiful Pass (or its predecessors, the National Parks Passport and Golden Eagle Passport). For $80 a year, it’ll get you and your family into every National Park unit and the other federal land management agency lands for free. Given the fabulous … Read more

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Pleasant surprises in the national parks

One of the things I’ve enjoyed most about my national park quest is that it pushes me to visit places I wouldn’t otherwise visit. It encourages me to step outside of what I know and am interested in to at least dabble in something new. I may not come away with a deep appreciation of … Read more

Roadtripping without our Forester

It feels like we’re being unfaithful. In less than 72 hours, Kim and I will be departing on another of our national park roadtrips. It’ll be the first time we’ll be roadtripping sans Forester since we got her. It feels a little weird. It’s the right decision to leave her at home – she’s in … Read more

Our winter National Parks roadtrip: LA, MS, AL

It’s nearly the holidays, and that means that Kim and I are planning another roadtrip. Usually, this trip is half-planned for us: it’s often centered around which bowl game ASU will be playing in. Sadly, that hasn’t been the case the last couple of years. Last year, we took advantage of the planning freedom afforded … Read more

red rock canyon

Returning to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area

It’s been far too long since I’ve been to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, a unit of BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System just west of Las Vegas, Nevada. It holds a special place in my heart as it was one of the first out-of-state destinations that Kim and I went to together. Back in … Read more

Observations from our Texas roadtrip

We’re back from our Texas Roadtrip. While it wasn’t quite what we had originally planned – we ditched the camping entirely, for instance – we still had a good time and managed to see quite a bit. A few observations gleaned from our trip: It’s great to get back a day early, so you have … Read more

park stamp passports

Our park stamps

As many of you know, Kim and I are on a quest to visit all of the 391 units of the National Park Service. Well, we’ve established several routines when it comes to marking off each of these units, including taking a picture of us there, snapping a shot of our Forester in front of … Read more

Canyons of the Ancients National Monument

Canyons of the Ancients National Monument

I finally got around to posting some pictures from the quick Sand Canyon hike I took in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument with co-workers in late September. It was a nice little trail that often followed an interesting little bluff strewn with little reconstructed ruins. Since I love wandering around curiously-shaped rock formations and … Read more

A Mother’s Day hike

This Mother’s Day, Kim and I decided to take my Mom out for a nice streamside hike. Parsons Trail, in the Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area within Coconino National Forest, has been on my “to-hike” list for about 12 years, and is flagged in several guides books I own. It was time. While we didn’t get … Read more