Places I’d like to travel to that I haven’t visited—yet
25 destinations I’d like to visit—a response to WeblogPoMo AMA Challenge question in Nov 2024.
25 destinations I’d like to visit—a response to WeblogPoMo AMA Challenge question in Nov 2024.
Content creators and influencers are different things—in purpose, activities, and incentives—though people often act as both.
Three examples of Internet forums that still serve up quality communities.
A project I’d like to tackle in early spring 2026 is a Walk Across Phoenix—from one edge of the city limits across to the other—which appears to be roughly 55 miles in total. I had originally planned on doing this in 2020, but of course we all know how that year went. The general idea … Read more
Learning more about your local area can help better connect you to where you live. Here are some ways to spark that.
A list of 30 items you can hunt for while exploring the local area in which you live.
It’s been awhile since I updated this /now page, in large part because I’m not sure that my original vision for this—something updated perhaps every 2-3 weeks—is the right way to go. I’m considering shifting this to more seasonal or quarterly approach, possibly offloading those more frequent distillations as mid- and end-month notes, which will … Read more
Some thoughts on where you fit in your various friend groups, and whether you’re pushed to be a better person as a result.
We visited our buddy Todd Scott at the International Peace Garden, which straddles the US-Canada border.