Mastodon Mastodon

Al Gore discusses climate change at TED

A great update to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth presentation was heard at TED in March. It’s about 27 minutes long, but his updated thoughts are well worth every second. Check it out below.

Lake Havasu City blows

Kim and I are back from a very frustrating weekend in Lake Havasu City. I was headed there for a conference and thought it might be nice to bring Kim along. We had planned to visit the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge on the way, but I was up late the night before working on a … Read more

More domain names

After reading about Matt’s name change, I decided to investigate locking up a shorter url for my own web identity–not that anyone else besides me cares what my domain name is. Unfortunately, someone already owns, though I frankly couldn’t have afforded the $500/year registration fees even if it was there for the taking. However, … Read more

Fall Down, Arizona.

UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA 1. Fall Down, Arizona (to tune of Bear down, Arizona): Fall down, Arizona, Fall down, black and blue. Fall down, Arizona, You know damn well you’re through. So it’s Trip! Fall! Drop that ball! Arizona, you are screwed! 2. Here comes the band The U of A band With endless repetition. The … Read more

Obama speaks

Rob and I decided to walk over to the Obama rally yesterday. It was lively and crowded, and it’s clear that he has the support of younger voters. I’m leaning towards Obama, but haven’t paid enough attention yet to make a decision. Frankly, after 7 disastrous years of Bush, I’ll be happy as long as … Read more

Ready for a vacation

It’s been tough the last couple of weeks staying productive at work. First, there’s just a ton of stuff to do. I’m busy enough trying to catch up on things that I had neglected during the Ironwood Forest comment period. But several new things have popped up in the meantime, most notably working with the … Read more

Trip planning

Kim and I spent most of the day today planning out our July roadtrip. It’s our ten year anniversary, so we’re going being quite ambitious, but I think it’s really going to be a great trip. The main attraction is a visit to Glacier National Park, but we’ll also be hitting a long list of … Read more

40,000 miles

Well, it took only 58 weeks for us to hit the 40,000 mile mark on our Subaru Forester. While I’ve certainly been using it quite a bit for work, nearly 12,000 of those miles came from three road trips we took. Last April, we headed up to Utah to visit Bryce Canyon and Zion National … Read more

A year of Flickr

According to the email notices, I’ve been Flickr “pro” subscriber for an entire year now. I was a bit skeptical when I first joined, especially since I already ran my own hiking pictures website, but I’m quite glad I went ahead and paid the $25. First, it’s very easy to use, and I am usually … Read more